#FNA of a small submandibular mass showing a nice example of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Smears show a combination of mucous and intermediate cell associated with mucin in the background. The inflammatory component is a response to extravasated mucin. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
- October 2024
#FNA of a parotid mass showing ACINIC CELL CARCINOMA – large acinar sheets that lack ducts and with finely granular to vacuolated cytoplasm. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
Pancreatic mass FNA showing poorly differentiated carcinoma with extensive squamous differentiation. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
Beautiful floret-like tyrosine crystals in a pleomorphic adenoma. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
A nice #CytoPath example of ACINIC CELL CARCINOMA. Long-standing parotid mass. Cerdit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastatic to cervical lymph node diagnosed on FNA. EBER ish and keratin + Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
The type of cells that should never be in the CSF – history of gastric ca. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
Follicular neoplasm (oncocytic type) with prominent nuclear size variability. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
FNA of a rapidly enlarging parotid mass showing classic cytomorphology of salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) with strong androgen receptor reactivity. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
FNA of a thyroid lesion showing prominent globules reminiscent of adenoid-cystic carcinoma. High proliferative index in cellblock. Follow up: POORLY DIFFERENTIATED THYROID CARCINOMA. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwealie
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