Limited Time Free-membership

Limited Time Free-membership

  • Case #8

    General Diagnostic Category : Neoplasm: Benign (Category IV)  Interpretation: Cellular oncocytic/oncocytoid neoplasm Microscopic description : Smears show oncocytic cells in a background of blood and mixed inflammatory cells. Credit: Moammar M. Mudhaffar, MSc, CT(IAC), CT(ASCP)

  • Case # 2

    He presented with T cord compression secondary to bone lesions. This is an aspiration of a praspinal mass Specimen Type Paraspinal FNA Diagnosis  Myeloma Credit: Ahmed Alsayed MSc, CT(IAC), CT(ASCP), CPHQ

  • CASE # 2

    -Ascitic fluid- General Diagnostic Category: Malignant cells identified The International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology, category: MAL-S (Malignant Secondary) Inerpretation: Metastatic breast lobular carcinoma Credit: Abdulellah Atia Alshareef, CT(IAC), CT(ASCP)

  • CASE # 8

    Clinical Information 39 years with abnormal bleeding Test Performed PAP SMEAR Conventional Specimen AdequacySatisfactory for evaluation; endocervical/transformation zone component present Interpretation (Abnormal)AIS Credit: Abdulellah Atia Alshareef, CT(IAC), CT(ASCP)

  • CASE #1

    -Pleural effusion- General Diagnostic Category: Malignant cells identified The International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology, category: MAL-S (Malignant Secondary) Inerpretation: Metastatic Breast Ductal Carcinoma Credit: Moammar Mudhaffar, MSc, CT(IAC), CT(ASCP)

  • 3rd Scientific clubs meeting of the SSCH

    As we approach the end of the year, The Saudi Society of Cytotechnology and Histotechnology is delighted to invite you to the 3rd Scientific Clubs Meeting for the year 2023. Riveting topics by experienced professionals awaiting you. See you all there.

  • Call for abstract: poster presentation

    The scientific committee of the APHCC is delighted to call for abstracts: poster presentation. The deadline is 30th of Jan, 2024. We look forward to seeing your posters in the APHCC. Please scan the code or use the following link: call for abstract

  • Anatomic Pathology and Histo-Cytotechnology Conference (APHCC) 2024

    It is our great pleasure to cordially invite you to the 1st international conference arranged by the Saudi Society of Cytotechnology and Histotechnology & the Saudi Society of Anatomical Pathology. We welcome you to the Anatomic Pathology and Histo-Cytotechnology Conference (APHCC) 5th – 7th March, 2024 Voco Hotel, Riyadh Saudi Arabia

  • نظام العضويات الجديد

    للدخول على نظام العضويات على موقع الجمعية السعودية لتقنيتيّ الخلايا والأنسجة ، يرجى الضغط على الرابط التالي واختيار نوع العضوية ثم الضغط على أيقونة التسجيل:

  • Case # 3

    Hilar Lymph Node (EBUS-FNA) Diagnosis: Granulomatous lymphadenitis (non-necrotizing) Credit: Mr. Moammar M. Muzzaffar, MSc, CT(IAC), CT(ASCP)