Is there such a thing as pure signet ring cell carcinoma of lung? This is an EBUS-FNA of a hilar lymph node showing abundant neoplastic mucin admixed with loosely cohesive tumor cells. No history of primary tumor elsewhere. Credit: Dr. Yazeed AlWelaie
- September 2024
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastatic to cervical lymph node diagnosed on FNA. EBER ish and keratin + Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
#EBUS FNA of a mediastinal lymph node showing metastatic small cell carcinoma. Credit: Dr. Yazeed alwelaie
FNA from an enlarged cervical lymph node showing a nice example of Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg cells. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwealie
Lymph node: Metastatic lobular carcinoma Microscopic description: Glandular cells in “Indian-file” pattern, prominent nucleoli and targetoid cytoplasm Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
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