Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan:

  1. Build effective communications between society members/practitioners.

A- Through social media accounts.

B- Through sending emails to practitioners on all educational



Percentage of questions/inquires that are not answered (target < 5%)

Average number of posts (target 5/week)

Percentage of beneficiaries satisfaction (target >90%)

Percentage of educational activities announcements that are not sent by emails (target <5%)

  1. Unify the policies and procedures of the work practices of Cytotechnology and Histotechnology based on the national and international standards.

The purpose of this goal is to have a minimum level of quality applied

by medical laboratories in the field of Cytotechnology and

Histotechnology and that there should not be a large discrepancy

between quality levels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Policies and

procedures are written on the 12 elements of quality system



Satisfaction rate with the program (more than 90%)

  1. Unify statistics and workload measurements in Cytology and Histology laboratories.

Unify statistics related to workflow (number of samples, number and

classifications of diseases and their percentage, etc.) and

standardization of workload measurements (through the relevant

committees), see operational plan.


Number of entities registered in the program and participation rate (the target will be determined later)

  1. Arrange for educational activities.

Through the relevant committees and achieving the standards of the

General Administration of Health Societies. (See operational plan)


(See operational plan)