-Thyroid FNA- General Diagnostic Category : Malignant (Category VI) Interpretation: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma ( High grade B-cell Lymphoma). :Microscopic description Cellular aspirates that show predominance of medium to large lymphocytes with abnormal cytologic features. Scattered follicular cells and Hurthle cells noted Flow Cytometry Summary: Immunophenotyping of Fine Needle Aspiration leukocytes by flow cytometry shows an abnormal […]
- September 2024
“Naked” papillary fronds in a thyroid FNA. Classic PTC cytomorpohlogy was seen throughout the smears. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
Follicular neoplasm (oncocytic type) with prominent nuclear size variability. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
FNA of a thyroid lesion showing prominent globules reminiscent of adenoid-cystic carcinoma. High proliferative index in cellblock. Follow up: POORLY DIFFERENTIATED THYROID CARCINOMA. Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwealie
Thyroid fine needle aspiration showing spindle cell cytomorphology of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Credit Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
FNA of a clinically aggressive thyroid tumor showing morphologic features suggestive of columnar cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Image 2 Evidence of anaplastic transformation is seen in the following picture Credit: Dr. Yazeed Alwelaie
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