CASE # 8
Clinical Information 39 years with abnormal bleeding Test Performed PAP...
Case # 7
Test PerformedSurePath™ PAP SMEAR Specimen AdequacySatisfactory for...
Case #6
Pap smear: – Cellular Changes Consistent with Herpes Simplex –...
Case 5
Endocervical Adenocarcinoma – Abundant abnormal cells, typically with...
Case 4
Routine Pap smear . Lower uterine segments (LUS ) , showing both epithelial...
Case 3
Pap smear from a 53 patient with a known history of gastric cancer...
Case 2
Sneaky! There were many other similar cells in this SurePath pap. High-grade...
Case 1
Microscopic description Atypical squamous cells exhibiting enlarged nuclei...